Jelly Donutz

25.08% THC | 31.65% Total Active Cannabinoids

2.53% Total Terpenes | Caryophyllene Dominant

Mood: Energizing & Upbeat

Photo of a group of Sunset Lake Cannabis products fetauring Jelly Donutz, including a loose flower bud, a jar of hand-trimmed cannabis flower, a BTV Blunt preroll tube and a Green Mountain Grind tin.

Our sungrown Jelly Donutz is the perfect choice for when you’re looking for a sweet treat. When you open your stash jar you’ll be transported to a buzzing cafe with aromas of delightful confections filling the air. Notes of candied orange peel, cotton candy, and caramel are balanced with hints of balsam, pine, and bright green tea. (We even catch a note of Fruit Stripe gum if you’re lucky enough to have ever tried it!) The rich piney smoke and sweet flavors make it a pleasure to puff. A robust head high is matched with a calm, mellow body high, making it the perfect choice for folks seeking an upbeat, fun vibe. Get ready to laugh - Jelly Donutz will have you feeling like a silly goose in no time!

Learn more about our Vermont cannabis farm and our commitment to sustainable agriculture here.

  • Cultivar: Jelly Donutz

    Type: Hybrid

    Breeder: Humboldt Seed Company

    Lineage: Hella Jelly X White Runtz

    Cannabinoid content (2024 Harvest)

    • Total: 31.65%

    • THC: 25.08%

    • CBG: 2.02%

    • CBC: 0.54%

    • CBD: 0.00%

    Terpenes (2024 Harvest)

    • Total: 2.53%

    • Caryophyllene: 1.19%

    • Humulene: 0.45%

    • Myrcene: 0.30%

  • You can find all of our certificates of analysis here.

  • Jelly Donutz 1/4oz (7g) jar P-10156

    Jelly Donutz BTV Blunt P-10157

    Jelly Donutz Green Mountain Grind 1/2oz (14g) tin P-10158

Terpene Spotlight: Caryophyllene

Calming caryophyllene can help balance out an activating cannabis strain (or cultivar) like Jelly Donutz. Although it’s found in high percentages in many cultivars, caryophyllene is also found in lots of spices and other plants. Learn more about this spicy terpene on our blog.

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